Welcome to Valley View Middle School. Home of the Vikings!
Strive for Excellence
School Theme 2024-2025: “Bird's Eye View”
The mission of Valley View Middle School, in partnership with our families and community,
is to provide opportunities for all students to develop positive character traits in becoming
responsible and respectful citizens as they strive for academic success.
News & Announcements
To better serve our community during these power outages, we have reviewed and updated our protocols. Effective Tuesday, January 21, 2025, we will keep schools open and operational during PSPS events, assuming no additional safety concerns arise. This applies even if a PSPS occurs before the start of the school day. Should any of our schools be impacted by a PSPS, we will communicate with the impacted school families directly and our school(s) will remain open to continue serving our students.
Calendar & Category Legend:
Valley View Master Calendar 24-25
- Jim Ramirez
By the Numbers
The year Valley View Middle School opened.
The number of teachers and staff working at Valley View Middle School.
Number of students attending ValleyView Middle School.
How much we love Valley View Middle School! Go Vikings!