Physical Education Department
PE Teachers
Frances Barnes
Adrienne Bergstrom
Everett Breier
Kari LaRock (Department Chair)
David Madsen
Richard Monney
Medical Excuses
If excused from Physical Education, the student must submit a note from their parent or doctor to their teacher. If a student is to be excused for more than three days a doctor's note is required.
For three or more excused days, the student will take their doctor's note to the nurse before coming to class. The student will be required to dress if injury will allow. If injury does not allow the student to dress, then written assignments will be implemented to maintain their grade.
If a student misses a run because they had a note or were absent then they need to make up the run. The run needs to be made up on campus with the student's teacher before the end of the quarter. The teacher and student can discuss when the run will be made up.
Physical Fitness Testing for 7th grade in March
Physical Fitness Testing Standards
P.E. Portfolio Options
How to open your combination lock
Tardy Policy
Tardy #1: Warning
Tardy #2: Warning
Tardy #3: Parent Contact and Teacher consequence
Tardy #4: Referral to Assistant Principal and "N" in citizenship
Tardy #5: Referral to Assistant Principal
Tardy #6: Referral to Assistant Principal and "U" in citizenship
Items to Keep in your PE Locker:
- PE Uniform
- Sweatshirt
- Sweatpants (blue, gray, black)
- Deodorant
- Extra pair of shoes
- Extra pair of socks
- Brush
- Hair bands
- Feminine hygiene products
- Perfume/Cologne/Body spray (plastic bottle only)
- Plastic Mirror
Click here for online orders.
2023/2024 Prices
Item | Price |
Agenda Book | 10.00 |
Lock | 10.00 |
PE Cinch Bag | 7.00 |
PE Shirt | 15.00 |
PE Shorts | 15.00 |
PE Sweat Shirt | 25.00 |
PE Sweat Pants SPIRIT WEAR: Full Zip Hoodie T-Shirt Jogger Pants |
38.00 16.00 27.00 |