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Library Information

Destiny Library logo

Simi Valley Unified School District schools use the Destiny Library Program to search for library books and do research. To review your individual account information, please follow the instructions on the link . 

Individual account information will provide you with the following:  a list of the textbooks assigned to you including the book numbers and prices; a list of library books that are currently checked out; any fees that are owed to the library. 


  • Please respect others’ rights to quiet study or research.
  • Respect your library by putting away materials used and placing trash in the trash cans.
  • Do the right thing - DO NOT bring food, drinks, candy or gum into the library.
  • Backpacks must be put in your lockers before   coming to the library. Please do not leave them unattended outside the library doors. This can lead to the loss of your backpack and/or items from inside the backpack.  You will still be responsible for those items.
  • You must have your ID card with you to use the library computers. To check out library and or text books you must use your ID card. 
  • A replacement ID card may be purchased in the library for $2.00.

General Information

The Valley View Library Media Center is an important part of the educational process at Valley View Middle School.  The library provides a setting where students can do research independently or while working with other students.

Students who have their Valley View ID cards with them may use the library computers to write papers and do research. Students may also use the library for a quiet place to read and study.

Valley View library is continually adding to our collection of books and tests for the Accelerated Reader Program.  Students may search for fiction and non-fiction Accelerated Reader books before school, at lunchtime, and after school.  

Please  call our Library Media Technician if you need assistance.

 805-520-6820 ext. 1322

Students are issued ID cards at the beginning of the school year. The cards must be used when checking out books and when taking AR tests in the library. Replacement ID cards are available in the library for $2.00.


There are 2 ways to access the eBooks in the Library’s collection.

1. Open the Valley View web site
Go to Information - Library Information - Green Destiny Icon
Under Library Links select Destiny Discover Link
Log in : Username:  ID#    Password: first initial of first name and last name (ie; jsmith)
Search and check out book. The book will be checked out to you for 2 weeks then returned to the collection. You can return it early if you are finished with it by clicking RETURN.

2. Download and install the Destiny Discover app.
Type in the school name and select name from list enter
      Username: ID#
      Password: First initial of  first name and last name  i.e.  jsmith

Select eBooks
Check out ebook.

NOTE: You can read an eBook online without checking it out; however,  if you close the book or it times out it becomes available for others to check out. 

IMPORTANT: To have an eBook available for offline reading you must check it out and then download it to a device while you are online.

When you return a downloaded book you must also remove it from your device.

Textbook Information

Students are responsible for all textbooks issued to them. Books must be covered at all times with paper book covers. DO NOT USE contact paper, stretchy, or sticky book covers to cover textbooks.  A student must return the originally numbered textbook issued to them in order to receive credit for returning their text.  Textbooks returned without a barcode number will result in the student being charged a book replacement fee.  

Damage Charges:  Students and Parents, please check your textbooks! 

Damage Charges
 Type of Damage Cost
 Lost Book replacement cost of book
 Mold Damage replacement cost of book
 Rebind Fee (textbook must be rebound if cover or spine is pulling away from the pages)    $10.00 - $20.00
 Water / Stain Damage to Book (stain damage - water, pens, crayons, etc...) $ 5.00
 Spine / Corner / Tape Damage and Torn Pages $ 5.00
 Writing On / In Book $ 5.00
 Profanity / Obscenity On / In Book replacement cost of book
 Missing / Damaged Barcode $ 5.00

PLEASE NOTE:  All outstanding obligations need to be cleared in order to receive your certificate of promotion and yearbook in a timely manner. YOU are responsible for the condition of your textbooks.  The damage fees collected are used to pay for the repair or replacement of books. 




Daily 7:45 a.m. - 3:55 p.m.

Check Out Procedures

Books are checked out to students using their ID cards.  Two books may be checked out at a time.  Books are checked out for 2 weeks and may be renewed if there is no request from anyone else for that title.  Reference material may be checked out for overnight use only.  Students who owe money on campus or have overdue books will need to clear those items before they are allowed to check out additional books. 

Overdue Fines

Library Books  $ .10 /day, Maximum $2
Reference Books  $ .25/day, Maximum $5