Have you ever been stressed out before a big test or a big game and not know how to calm down? Meditation is for you! If you’ve never tried meditation before, it can be difficult at first, especially if you’re a restless spirit. The great part about meditation, though, once you know what to do, you can practice it throughout your day., whenever you need it…even if it’s just during the passing period before that test! When you learn how to breathe, pause, and just be in the moment, you’re able to more easily take that practice with you wherever you go. Meditation eventually gives the brain the ability to foster positive emotions, preserve emotional stability, and engage in mindful behavior. This will help with your attention and focus, and decrease anxious thoughts. When attending our club, be open to creating a quiet and positive space, and follow guided meditation practices such as breathing exercises and body scans while listening to soothing sounds
- Tuesdays, lunchtime
- Mrs. Taylor, Room D15